
Video for Industrial Work

oil & Gas




Heavy Machinery

Who We are

  Steel Toe Video is a visual production company in Corpus Christi that serves industrial customers.

  People that wear steel toe boots to work every day go unnoticed despite their hard work and dedication.

  Our mission is to shine a spotlight on these unsung heroes, showcasing the fascinating and vital processes that make industries thrive. While some may perceive the industrial sector as lacking glamor, we believe it offers a unique and captivating appeal. People are inherently curious about how things are made, and they also seek insights into how your expertise can benefit them.

    At Steel Toe Video, we are here to ignite excitement and motivation, bridging the gap between your incredible work and the world hungry to witness it.

That’s a real Shame

stand out

It seems like everyone is on a screen all day long. How much of that time is your content?

Are they watching you build?

Are they looking at your products?

Are they seeing what you service?

ARe they sharing it with others?

show OFf

It may be routine or it may be a unique event that is the result of months of careful planning.

Let customers know what you offer and let your team members show off. Big or small, no one else does it like you.

People want to see


Hiring is tough and firing is even tougher.

Add a self selecting filter to the hiring process. When they can see what they will be doing and what is expected of them they may opt themselves out before wasting any of your time.  

Save Time

Manuals are vital but they are slow and not always clear.

Document your processes visually. People can see for themselves exactly how things are done. You won’t have to take the veteran off the job to teach and explain and demonstrate. You won’t have to read manuals and start the procedure only to realize they left something out. 

Safety Updates

Do your safety videos have men with sideburns, bushy mustaches, and not a woman in sight?

New vocabulary, new policies, new codes. It’s time to get it relevant to today and done in a way that doesn’t put your trainees to sleep. It can be done!

IT’s time to update your safety training


  • Short, vertical videos made for brief phone viewing.

    Grab attention and introduce yourself.

    Show them things they haven’t seen before.


    -Instagram Reels

    -YouTube Shorts

  • Think ‘music video’. These are typically between 3 and 7 minutes. These can supplement your Social Media efforts. Give interested people something to explore. Let them learn about your, and just spend a little more time with you.




  • Document your process so you don’t have to teach it over and over and over. Film it once and show the videos as many times as it take.

  • As part of any comprehensive safety plan, you need to train your employees what to do and what not to do.

    Make videos that can be remembered and not just endured.

  • If you are bidding on a job, (and you think it’s fair) a printed bid packet is fine. Or you can stand out above the rest and impress them.

    Send a video over with your bid or take an iPad and show them while you are there.

  • No one really cares what the secret sauce is. They just want the experts to make it.

    Be that expert and show how well you know it. Become the authority in the area. When they get stuck or need help they will immediately think of the best person they know for the job.

  • It’s wasteful to gather every employee to give a message.

    It’s wasteful to write out a long email that gets misunderstood.

    Take a short amount of time to record what it is you want to say, in your own words, with your own visual aids, and it can be viewed and reviewed on their own time without bringing the company to a halt.


  • Typically about a week.

    However that is only typical and your project may vary. Some can take up to a month or more due to delays in feedback for revisions, or special requests like heavy application of special effects.

  • YES!

    If it fits your scenario, we offer video sprints that have a rapid turnaround.

  • YES!

    If you have any in-house editors, or you want to try it out, the footage can be handed over on-site for a lower price.

  • YES!

    If you have already gone through the time and expense of filming, with any camera, this is the most economical way of getting new content on your feeds.

  • YES!

    We can upload these for you.

    We can manage your profiles.

    We can show you how to upload them.

    We can’t help with your advertising and demographic studies, but we can help you come up with a strategy to get the most out of your content.
