Steel Toe Video is a new Visual Production Company that speaks your language

My name is Kyle Sugarek and Steel Toe Video is the new home for my visual production services.

Having worked in the trades for over 20 years, one thing was on my mind the whole time, “This would be cool to show someone.”  Crazy things, impressive things, even the inside humor of the bad things.

When the idea was first introduced for This Old House, everyone said it was a bad idea. As they were shopping the idea around they kept hearing the same thing.

“No one wants to watch guys fix a house on TV”

That was back in 1979. Now there are several channels that show nothing but houses being fixed up.

I made short films of my toys in Elementary School. I made films with my friends in High School. I even had the honor of helping families by making memorial videos for their loved ones in time for funerals. Now I make videos with my children with their toys. I love what I do and I love helping others bring their imagination to the screen.

Every day people put on their hard hats, safety glasses and pull on their steel toe boots and put our civilization together. Producing oil for the energy we need, wiring to communicate, buildings to work in, water to drink, homes to rest in and all the countless industries that support them.

Let’s show off what we do. Show customers your new products, show potential customers what they are missing, show the new guy how to do it right, show your employees how much you care, show your friends what you’ve been making!