Don’t be Irresponsible

If you don’t have your own videos you are missing out

Texas has over 150 million YouTube subscribers, nearly 20 million LinkedIn subscribers, and almost half of all Instagram users are older than 35.

These aren’t just kids watching pranks or stupid dances

YouTube is now a library that’s nearly 20 years old (that’s right 20) with a deep catalog of How-To videos and educational videos. When people get stumped, they type in their problem and a few moments later some unlikely expert demonstrates exactly how to solve their problem.

LinkedIn is full of professional people looking to improve themselves and learn. They are already in the mindset of work, industry, and efficiency. Anything you can do to make them look better to their boss, or their client, will sell itself.

Instagram is serving decision makers in the work place. Business owners, managers, supervisors, leadmen; they are all on it and the 35 year-old and up demographic makes up nearly 50% of the user base.

Put these Billion Dollar companies to work for you!

They will find your customers and they won’t charge you a thing for it. They will even pay you if your videos are good enough and you stick with it.

What if 30 years ago you didn’t have an answering machine? Without video, people can’t learn about you at their own pace.

What if 20 years ago you weren’t in the Yellow Pages? Without video, you may as well be Unlisted.

What if you didn’t accept credit cards? Without video, people aren’t even aware of what all you have to offer.

These would all be very irresponsible of you as a business owner. Don’t make that mistake now. Don’t ignore a vital tool that will put your products, your services, your business, in front of people day and night. Video will have them come to you instead of you looking for them.

ANY Video is Better than NO Video

  • Hold your phone sideways for YouTube

  • Make sure you leave contact info for LinkedIn

  • Don’t take photos, take a video and simply say what is in the shot for Instagram

It won’t take long at all before you have a library of content and leads will gather there first without you having to look for them. When they need a service or product that you offer, the ONLY one that will come to mind is YOU.


Capture Your Company’s Knowledge and Skill